Home Channels Information
This page will serve as a breakdown on what HomeCord's Home Channels are, and the purpose of each section of a Home Channel.
For clarification:
"Highlight" refers to items HomeCord automatically showcases to the Server's Home Channel. (If enabled for the Server)
"Feature" refers to items a Server's Moderator or Admin manually showcases to their Server's Home Channel, through use of Commands.
"Server Admin" here refers to those with, at minimum, the "Manage Channels" Permission.
"Server Moderator" refers to those with, at minimum, the "Manage Messages" Permission.
What is a Home Channel?
Home Channels are a single Channel in a Server, made to showcase various aspects of a Server. These aspects can include popular Messages, Public Threads, Forum/Media Channel Posts, upcoming Scheduled Events, and important Channels.
Not all Home Channels made with HomeCord are the same. Servers may choose to disable automatic highlighting of various aspects - such as the disabling the ability to highlight Threads - in addition to changing what the set minimum "Activity Threshold" is for being able to highlight each aspect.
It should be noted that disabling the ability to automatically highlight items does not disable the ability to manually feature said item.
Additionally, when Server Admins or Moderators are manually featuring items to their Home, they can also set how long it stays featured for - ranging from 12 hours up to 7 days (1 week).
The following headings will cover each section of HomeCord's Home Channels in more detail.
Home: The Header & Important Channels
Starting at the top of HomeCord's Home Channels, we have the Header & Important Channels.
The Header is simply just the Server's Name, and (if set via Server Settings -> Community -> Overview
on Discord) the Server's Description.
Below the Header will be the Important Channels, if any are set.
Important Channels are Channels Server Admins have 'pinned' to the top of Home, with an optional description. This may be useful for showcasing noteworthy or core parts of your Server (such as information Channels, your 'general' Channel, etc).
To feature a Channel as an Important Channel, Server Admins can use the /feature channel
To later remove an Important Channel from your Home, Admins can use the /unfeature channel
Important Channels are the only part of the Home Channel is that fully manual.
HomeCord does not, and will not, automatically 'pin' Channels as Important Channels to your Home.
Home: Scheduled Events
Moving to the second section, this part of Home showcases upcoming Scheduled Events in your Server (ie: the ones you make in the Event Tab at the top of a Server's Channel List in Discord).
If automatic highlighting is enabled for Events, HomeCord can showcase them based off the number of Server Members that have registered their interest (via the "Interested" button) for the Event.
Events can also be manually featured & unfeatured by Server Admins through use of the /feature event
and /unfeature event
Commands respectively.
If the Command's list of Scheduled Events isn't updating to reflect or show your Server's current Events, just run the Command once while picking any option displayed. This will make HomeCord's cache update to your Server's current Events.
HomeCord can only highlight or feature Events it has access to view.
Meaning, if you have created an Event and connected it to a Voice or Stage Channel HomeCord does not have "View Channel" Permission for, it won't be able to see that Event, and thus won't be able to showcase it on Home!
Home: Threads, Forum Posts, and Media Posts
Third, are Threads, Forum Channel Posts, and Media Channel Posts. For the sake of simplifying things, all three shall be referred to together as "Threads". (Since Forum Posts & Media Posts are also Threads behind-the-scenes on Discord)
If automatic highlighting is enabled for Threads, HomeCord can showcase Threads (excluding Private Threads) based off the number of recent Messages sent in that Thread. This may also increase discoverability of Threads in your Server, even more so for Public Threads in standard Text Channels!
When showcased on your Home, HomeCord will denote what type of Thread is being showcased through use of Emojis - one for Public Threads in Text Channels, and another for Forum or Media Channel Posts.
HomeCord can only highlight Threads in Channels it has access to view.
Meaning, if a Thread is in a Channel HomeCord does not have "View Channel" Permission for, it won't be able to see that Thread nor any Messages sent in it!
It is still possible to manually feature Threads in Channels HomeCord doesn't have access to view though.
Home: Messages
Lastly, are Messages themselves.
If automatic highlighting of Messages is enabled, HomeCord can showcase recently sent Messages based off the number of Emoji Reactions added (either regular or Super Reactions count), and/or the number of direct Replies to said Message.
Server Moderators & Admins can also manually feature and unfeature Messages through use of the "Feature Message" and "Unfeature Message" Context Commands respectively. Furthermore, the "Unfeature Message" Command can be used either on the cross-posted Message in Home, or on the original Message in its source Channel.
HomeCord can only highlight Messages sent in Channels/Threads that it has access to view.
Meaning, if HomeCord doesn't have the "View Channel" Permission for a certain Channel, it won't be able to see nor highlight any Messages sent in that Channel, and in any Threads made within that Channel.
However, it is still possible to manually feature Messages (through use of the Commands) from Channels that HomeCord does not have access to view.
When a Message is showcased to your Home Channel, the following will be cross-posted (if they exist in the original Message):
The Message's content
The Message's file attachment(s)
The Message's Author (specifically the Author's display name and profile picture.)
Any Polls within the Message
Any @mentions
(such as @user
, @role
, @everyone
, or @here
) inside the Message are completely suppressed when they are cross-posted to Home.
This ensures those mentions do NOT send pings or notifications when reposted in Home.
HomeCord will NOT showcase non-standard Messages, nor Messages sent by non-regular User Accounts.
In other words: Messages sent by Server/User Apps, Webhooks, and System Messages (such as "this message has been pinned" notifications), are all examples of Messages NOT showcaseable to Home Channels.
Due to limitations with Discord's public API, HomeCord cannot send Messages with more than 2000 (2k) characters in them.
As such, if a showcased Message has more than 2000 characters, its reposted version will be cut off with a trailing "..."
The Unicode/Default ⭐ Star Emoji will be ignored by HomeCord in its automatic Message highlighting system. This is to ensure your Home Channels are not flooded by, nor cause conflicts with, existing "Starboard" Server Apps in your Servers.
If you want to allow the Star Reactions to count towards Message highlighting, you can toggle it back on using HomeCord's /settings
Last updated